• Peeking into our integral product development process with Aman!

    product development mmid

Let’s introduce Aman, one of our Functionality and System designers at our office in Delft.

How did you come into the designer you are now?
As a true product developer, I started with mechanical engineering in India. After this, I wanted to go abroad and do a masters somewhere else. So, I decided to go to the Industrial Design Engineering faculty of the TU Delft, where I did the Integrated Product Design MSc course. I choose this because of the more practical approach and the opportunities they offer to work in teams for real clients. In my elective space, I did an internship as a Functionality Designer at MMID. After this, I did not leave fully, I worked as marketing support for MMID for one day a week. Then when I finished graduation, I decided to come back full-time as a Functionality and Systems designer.

What do you say when someone asks what kind of work you do?

Do you know how designers come up with fascinating and futuristic concepts and engineers make them a reality? I represent both sides. My expertise is product development and I love designing products that function flawlessly throughout their lifetime, look and feel remarkable, and are optimized for usability. I am interested in products that really benefit users, make sense for the future, and are designed considering their impact on the environment.

Why did you decide to work for MMID?

During my studies, I was mostly looking for the perfect combination between the technical side I had during my mechanical engineering BSc and the practical side I had during my IPD MSc. I found during my internship that MMID contained the perfect mixture of those two. I came across them opposite the station in Delft, saw them in the faculty a couple of times and heard about them via others, so I decided to get in contact with them and ask what opportunities they had for me. I came into contact with Scott and discussed what would fit my interest best. We found together that a functionality internship would fit best! From the beginning onwards, my main reason to come back was that I loved the culture and the projects. I was immediately super involved in the projects, even as an intern super contributed and valued.

And now, what are you now doing within MMID?

Currently, I am a Functionality and Systems designer. Where I play a role in the process pretty early in the project. I improve functions of products if needed or think about ideas to develop, by brainstorming and exploring in all different directions. From these explorations, we take ideas depending on the clients-vision and user needs. We often co-create with the clients and users, which I enjoy a lot. What I like most, is to prove that ideas are possible, for example, model making, drawing and CAD modelling. After making a concept choice we need to make a proof of concept, which need to be iterated for producibility and look and feel.

This is quite a long process where you are involved in a lot, what do you like most within this?

I like thinking about all different ideas most and to find the boundaries of how far you can go. When you start with a project brief, it is often super open, you can think out of the box, just throw ideas and be innovative, which is where the magic happens! Next to that, proving that this can work is very rewarding, when you build models you can prove that it works or that it doesn’t work. The fun thing about this is that even when it is a not working model, this is as important as working models, you can prove that something wouldn’t work by bringing it to life.

What does your average day look like as a Functionality and Systems designer?

Usually, I walk into the office quite relaxed but excited. I like the projects I work on and I like the dynamics of the work sphere. New faces in the office always give me a boost and new inspiration. I can’t really describe what I do on an average day, since every day is different, depending on the project I am working on. Some ideation brainstorm sessions, model making, building in the workshop, CAD-modelling, 3D-printing, sketching or taking up an initiative such as VR design. It varies a lot, but that is what brings me joy!

Can you tell me about a project you are most proud of?

One project I like in particular, a project which helps patients with a certain disease by solving problems they face during their treatment. When you look into problems they have and try to place yourself in their shoes as much as possible, you realise how hard even little things can be. Relieving them from these difficulties can bring so much joy in their life. Even though the project is not fully finished yet, through testing and evaluating with the end-user we can tell through the results, and their faces it is working. The users are thrilled about the project, it works. The project is rewarding, it motivates me to see the impact so early and to see that it works on their faces is the best result for me.

What do you do next to your work?

Next to my work, I am constantly learning. I simply can not stop myself from trying to understand everything and broaden my knowledge in a lot of directions. I used to be a graphic designer, which I still enjoy teaching at for example the IDE faculty, where I give IDE academy workshops for Logo and Graphic Design. More recently, I became more interested in sustainability and how we can combine this with product development. For this, I am now making a website that contains a collection of learnings to make a database for students/professors.

Besides work and learning, I got into cycling. Which was actually also one of the reasons to come to the Netherlands 😉 Especially last year, I developed a passion for (road) cycling. My goal is to be as good as some of the other fanatic MMID cyclists, so i have some way to go. If I am not cycling, I also like to do badminton, football or table tennis. FYI there is a table tennis table at MMID, want to challenge me?

If you would describe MMID in 3 words, what would it be?

“Supportive, openness and structured”.

And why those words?

Supportive: I find the work we do and the way we interact with each other super supportive. We really want the best for the team and the client, always supporting each other to provide value in the best way possible. Supporting to grow, also personally, to grow in being a better human and better designer. It is an integrated multiplied culture, everyone who is working at MMID is always supporting everyone, which really helps the work we do and the clients.

Openness: The way we work and interact, is so open, we are direct and ‘Dutch’ about everything. Giving critical feedback doesn’t always have to be pleasing, we want to improve something you did. Critical feedback in a positive way helps the project, also being open and honest about what you think and saying what you know is good for everyone. If you don’t know something, also be honest about it, don’t be ashamed, just realise it is an extra opportunity to learn.

Structured: I think this one is set by our LUCID method. We always have a structure in our projects and milestones. We have a super good structure in the way things are organized, with documents and share points. There are always files or documents that answer your questions. Helping interns or new colleagues, timelines and meetings are already predetermined. But we are a small company, so we can be flexible. The structure is there to support us but give us the room to play, we won’t become robots. Flexibility is there to be used when we need to. Working from home is not a problem.

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